Board of Management
The current Board of Management of Riverview ETNS will run from December 2023 to November 2027.
Chairperson: Joan Ward
Patron Nominee: Maeve McCarthy
Secretary and Teacher Nominee: Margaret Burke
Teacher Nominee: Emma Kinnane
Parent Nominee: Mark McGrath
Parent Nominee, treasurer: Leanne Nolan
Community Nominee: Mick Griffin
Community Nominee: Proinsias Mac Fhlannchadha
Reports from meetings - 2024/25
January 13th, 2025
The BOM discussed progress towards the handover of the school building. School management is still awaiting confirmation of a date from the DE. No decision could be made regarding additional enrolments in the absence of this communication.
The BOM was updated regarding Child Protection, Anti-bullying and Substance abuse.
The BOM was updated regarding the upcoming PTA table quiz.
The BOM was updated around consultations taking place regarding the school 5 year plan.
December 9th, 2024
The Board gave feedback on the school five year plan. Parents, staff, in-school management and children also to be consulted on priorities for the school for the coming 5 years.
The Board thanked the staff for work and the PTA for their work preparing the winter concerts planned for December 19th.
The Board discussed the transition to the new school building and plans to grow to a double stream school. This change in status is dependent on the provision of a timeline from the Department of Education. School management continues to liaise with the Patron requesting clarity on this.
November 11th, 2024
The Board was updated on the progress of School Self Evaluation plans for this year, and how they will be implemented. The focus area is Inclusion.
In an AEN update, the Board was informed that a new SENO has been allocated to the school, Ophelia Farrell. The AEN team has met with her, and are looking forward to collaborating with her to support children with additional needs in our school.
The Board of Management continues to be in contact with the Department of Education and Educate Together regarding the handover of our building.
The Board welcomed the feedback that Lyons Den afterschool is running well now, and that feedback from school and parents has been positive regarding the quality of care the children are receiving.
The Board of Management approved the proposed calendar of events for the PTA for this school year, including the annual Quiz which will take place at the end of February.
The Board was updated on the implementation of the new Anti-Bullying Guidelines, Bí Cineálta.
The Board adopted the new published framework for positive staff relations, Working Together 2024.
October 7th, 2024
The Board confirmed an enrolment of 234 children in Riverview as of September 30th. This enrolment entitles the school to an administrative principal, 9 mainstream class teachers and 3 support teachers. Riverview ETNS has a full complement of teaching staff.
The Board extended its thanks to the staff of the school for the smooth and successful start of the academic year.
The Board reviewed the provision of accommodation at the school, and welcomed the news that the handover of the full building is likely to happen within this academic year.
The Board of Management would like to extend its thanks to the outgoing PTA committee for all of their work over the past year, including the coordination of a letter-writing campaign which helped to raise the profile of the school with the Department of Education.
Reports from meetings - 2023/24
December 11th, 2023
This was the first meeting of the newly formed Board of Management. The two community nominees - Mick Griffin and Proinsias MacFhlannachadha were co-opted at this meeting and will attend the next meeting in January.
January 15th, 2024
The Board is delighted that the school has been added to the pilot scheme for the Department of Social Protection Hot School Meals programme. The school is tendering for a supplier at the moment, and the scheme is due to be in place for the last term of this year.
Board members expressed their thanks to school staff who are going to be trained to facilitate Rainbows groups. This is a voluntary programme which provides support to children who have experienced bereavement or separation.
Board Members welcomed the news that flood alleviation works are due to commence in Tymon Park in the coming weeks. The OPW are managing this project. There will be some disruption to school programmes, as direct access to our Forest School site will be closed off. The route of the Walking Bus from Tymon carpark may also be impacted. As part of the works, a wetland habitat is being constructed close to the Riverview entrance, which will be a great resource for the school when it is completed.
Board members also express their thanks to the PTA for organising a table quiz planned to take place in the Cherry Tree on February 22
April 22nd, 2024
The Board congratulated students and thanked staff for facilitating their participation in the Big Sing event this year.
The Board approved and welcomed plans in the school for their first History Day, and also Pride and Neurodiversity Week, planned for the end of June.
The Board welcomed the publication by Educate Together of LGBTQ+ Guidelines for Schools.
The Board noted communication with SDCC regarding the provision of a traffic warden outside the school, and is strongly supportive of this application.
The Board welcomed the start of the hot school meals programme in the school.
June 10th, 2024
The Board wishes to extend its thanks to parents who have advocated on behalf of the school with the Department of Education regarding ongoing accommodations issues at the school.
The Board also extended its thanks to the PTA committee, broader parent body and staff members who worked together to organise such a memorable and successful school Summer Fair.
The Board is pleased to report that following a tender process, afterschool services will be provided by Lyon’s Den for the coming school year.
The Board reviewed and ratified the Data Protection and School Outings policies.
The Board extended its very best wishes to our first graduates and their families.
The Board also extended its thanks to school staff for their work during this academic year.